People impacted by ASHA since 2018
People received health services in 2022
Young women participating in youth groups
Female youth groups established
ASHA Women and Children’s health care program indirectly serves 10,680 beneficiaries in 1,472 households within a 5 village work area in rural Rajasthan, India. In 2017 the program built 7 women and childrens’ rural health centres in 5 villages. 350 children were enrolled and received crucial nutrition and health care. 30 health centers were provided with weighing machines and training to monitor weight for age and flag cases of Malnutrition.
For the first time ever, in 2017 training and awareness raising meetings were held for more than 200 women from 5 villages. 800 children from 5 schools participated in School Hand Wash Days.

Partner: White Lotus Trust
Supported by: Lotus Outreach Germany