1,000 Coffee in 2023

We are delighted to announce that in 2023 more than 230 people are giving a projected $90,000 USD annually to Lotus Outreach through 1,000 Coffee. More, recurring giving through 1,000 Coffee made up nearly 1/3 of what individuals donated to LO during 2022. This demonstrates the truly profound impact that small good actions can have. Watch the video below where LO founder, Khyentse Norbu, speaks to the impact of small good things.
“Sometimes it’s really frustrating to notice that it takes so much effort and energy and time to really ruin the world, but we kind of do it, nonstop. And then there’s small good things, very very small good things, so small that sometimes we sort of underestimate them. Not sometimes, all the time. We can do a lot of good things such as sacrificing cappuccino, could actually change a girl’s life somewhere in Cambodia. That’s it.”
-Khyentse Norbu, LO Founder

At LO, we believe in the power of collective giving and action. 1,000 Coffee is a community inspired event co-hosted by LO ambassadors and affiliates around the world. Since 2021, our community has hosted 14 bike rides to inspire people to come together around the simple sacrifice of coffee (or tea). In 2023, ambassadors, volunteers, and youth are connecting coffee drinkers and corporate networks around the world with LO’s mission. We aim to subscribe 1,000 people. From there who knows what we can accomplish for at-risk girls and communities on this planet? Recurring giving supports girls’ global empowerment through core LO access to education programs in India and Cambodia and through new impact partners in Brazil, Guatemala, and the USA!

We’d like to express deep gratitude for everyone who is taking action monthly through 1,000 Coffee to support LO beneficiaries and programs. Thank you for your ongoing and dedicated support.

Additionally, we are touched to summarize the impact of 1KC Giving during 2022.
In 2022, 1KC recurring commitments provided:
- 150 girls in rural Haryana daily transportation to and from school on the Blossom Bus

- 3 CATALYST scholars first year of a four year university scholarship that includes career guidance, counseling, workshops, rice aid, and residential housing.
- Two residence computer labs serving all 77 CATALYST university scholars

- Contributed towards 300 access to education bicycle scholarships for at-risk girls through Jharkhand Project, serving youth in rural Jharkhand with computer education, team sports, and career counseling.

- 34 people, girls, young women, and family members support through a residential safehouse in rural Cambodia for survivors of sexual assault and/or exploitation, including counseling, career and reintegration training, and legal support through CTC

“Sacrifice one cappuccino. Yes, spend that money on changing a girl’s life for her whole life. I’m not even exaggerating. This is not a metaphor, this is a reality.”
— LO Founder, Khyentse Norbu
Sustained giving through 1KC truly creates a reliable foundation of transformational support for the at-risk girls and communities that LO serves. We appreciate your generosity and we invite you to join us this year to connect new communities and networks with 1,000 Coffee Giving.
Get involved:
- Host an event, such as a bike ride or dinner party
- Sign-up your team or corporate office to give up coffees monthly.
For more information regarding how to be an ambassador of 1KC and expand our potential to create empowerment, equity, and positive transformation in the lives of LO beneficiaries around the world, contact us today at info@lotusoutreach.org.