1,000 Coffee in Hong Kong! Candice, Chris, and the WellnessXperts Community
SEVENTH RIDE: Candice, Chris, and WellnessXperts Community, Hong Kong
We are so excited to announce the seventh bike ride event as a part of 1,000 Coffee, hosted by Candice Tsuei, Chris Lo, and the WellnessXperts community in Hong Kong!
WellnessXperts is a community of people brought together by their passion for health and wellbeing. They hope to raise awareness for Lotus Outreach and foster a meaningful collaboration to support girls’ access to education. Their route is from Shatin to Tai Mei Tuk along the beach, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is a beautiful scenic trail and they will glimpse the iconic Tsz Shan Monastery Guan Yin statue along the way. The ride is open to the public and all are welcome to join!
We recently had the chance to ask Chris and Candice a few questions about their inspiration for hosting this event. Their interview is below.
Q: Can you share with us some details of this year’s ride? What is your route and what made you choose it? Who will be joining you?
A: In Hong Kong there aren’t that many routes that are friendly for people to join at a beginner level. We picked one that’s not hard, it should take about two hours and have beautiful scenery. For Hong Kong we plan to do this semi- regularly so this is just to kick things off and make people aware of the project. During the bike ride you can actually see the Kuan Yin statue. The path is along the coast so it’s nice to just get out of the city and the high rises. That weekend is also the Dragon Boat Festival, we’re starting early Sunday afternoon and will end the ride with the sunset and hang out. Anyone is welcome to join.
Q: What inspired you to lead a bike ride event for Lotus Outreach with the WellnessXperts community?
A: . WellnessXperts is a community of people working on their health and spreading health around their communities and has always been an active and fun loving group. As soon as I knew there was a possibility to do some kind of collaboration I thought it was a no brainer. I thought we have a great cause here with Lotus Outreach helping the children which is super meaningful, and it gives us a good excuse to get active more regularly.
Q: What are your goals for this ride?
A: Our goal is to spread awareness about LO and the 1,000 Coffee project. But it will be part of long term awareness spreading. This is just to kick it off. But WellnessXperts wanted to work with a charity, because it’s such a community based concept so having a trusted way to give back is so vital, especially one that connects to our personal philosophy.
Q: What inspires you about Lotus Outreach and 1,000 Coffee?
A: 1,000 Coffee is inspiring because it’s something different. The visuals are cute and seem to be targeted towards millennials to raise awareness about Lotus Outreach. The project is more on spreading awareness and giving in a daily way, which is more sustainable. It really puts things into perspective. A lot of times people think they need to be making a lot of money before they can donate, but really it’s just like a cup of coffee and we all are able to do that.
第七場單車募款之旅:Candice、Chris 與 WellnessXperts 籌辦的香港單車募款之旅
我們很高興告知您由 Candice Tsuei、Chris Lo 與 WellnessXperts 社團為蓮心基金會「千杯咖啡」募款活動所籌辦單車之旅將在香港展開!
WellnessXperts 是由一群對身心健康充滿熱忱的人所組成的社團,他們希望能讓大家認識蓮心基金會,並與蓮心基金會合作,一起幫助女孩獲得接受教育的機會。Candice Tsuei、Chris Lo 與 WellnessXperts 社團將騎單車由上水出發,以大埔為終點。他們將沿著海灘騎行,旅途寧靜怡人,沿途均為美麗的大自然風光,還可以遠眺慈山寺的大型觀音像。所有人都可以加入這場單車之旅,歡迎大家共襄盛舉。
我們也很高興有機會訪問Chris 與 Candice,了解他們為「千杯咖啡」募款活動籌辦單車募款之旅的動機。以下為訪問的內容:
香港並沒有很多適合初級人士騎行的單車路線,所以我們選擇一條較不困難的路線,騎完全程的時間大約為 2 小時,而且沿途的風景優美宜人。我們計劃在香港定期舉辦單車募款之旅,所以希望藉由這場單車募款之旅,先讓大家認識「千杯咖啡」募款活動。我們將沿著海岸騎行,遠離城市與高樓大廈,在旅途中,還可以看到觀音像。端午節慶也在同一個週末舉行。我們會於星期天下午出發,在日落時完成單車募款之旅,之後會小聚一下。也歡迎大家加入我們的單車募款之旅。
是什麼給了你們靈感,所以與 WellnessXperts 社團一同為蓮心基金會籌辦了今年的單車募款之旅?
WellnessXperts 是由一群重視健康的人所組成的社團,他們也向身邊的每一個人傳遞健康的重要性。WellnessXperts 是個喜愛運動又享受生活的社團。我們知道 WellnessXperts 和蓮心基金會能一同籌辦單車募款之旅後,就覺得非辦不可。我們認為幫助蓮心基金會募款支助孩童是件非常有意義的事,也給了我們一個能規律運動的好理由。
我們的目標是讓大家認識蓮心基金會和「千杯咖啡」募款活動,不過這只是我們長遠目標的開始,這次的單車募款之旅是想先讓大家對蓮心基金會有所了解。WellnessXperts 想要和慈善機構合作,而因為蓮心基金會注重社區中的個人,這與 WellnessXperts 的觀念相符,所以WellnessXperts 信任蓮心基金會,非常願意為蓮心基金會募款。
加入 Chris 與 Candice 的單車募款之旅!
第七场单车募款之旅:Candice、Chris 与 WellnessXperts 筹办的香港单车募款之旅
我们很高兴告知您由 Candice Tsuei、Chris Lo 与 WellnessXperts 社团为莲心基金会“千杯咖啡”募款活动所筹办单车之旅将在香港展开!
WellnessXperts 是由一群对身心健康充满热忱的人所组成的社团,他们希望能让大家认识莲心基金会,并与莲心基金会合作,一起帮助女孩获得接受教育的机会。Candice Tsuei、Chris Lo 与 WellnessXperts 社团将骑单车由上水出發,以大埔为终点。他们将沿着海滩骑行,旅途宁静怡人,沿途均为美丽的大自然风光,还可以远眺慈山寺的大型观音像。所有人都可以加入这场单车之旅,欢迎大家共襄盛举。
我们也很高兴有机会访问Chris 与 Candice,了解他们为“千杯咖啡”募款活动筹办单车募款之旅的动机。以下为访问的内容:
香港并没有很多适合初级人士骑行的单车路线,所以我们选择一条较不困难的路线,骑完全程的时间大约为 2 小时,而且沿途的风景优美宜人。我们计划在香港定期举办单车募款之旅,所以希望藉由这场单车募款之旅,先让大家认识“千杯咖啡”募款活动。我们将沿着海岸骑行,远离城市与高楼大厦,在旅途中,还可以看到观音像。端午节庆也在同一个周末举行。我们会于星期天下午出發,在日落时完成单车募款之旅,之后会小聚一下。也欢迎大家加入我们的单车募款之旅。
是什麽给了你们灵感,所以与 WellnessXperts 社团一同为莲心基金会筹办了今年的单车募款之旅?
WellnessXperts 是由一群重视健康的人所组成的社团,他们也向身边的每一个人传递健康的重要性。WellnessXperts 是个喜爱运动又享受生活的社团。我们知道 WellnessXperts 和莲心基金会能一同筹办单车募款之旅后,就觉得非办不可。我们认为帮助莲心基金会募款支助孩童是件非常有意义的事,也给了我们一个能规律运动的好理由。
我们的目标是让大家认识莲心基金会和“千杯咖啡”募款活动,不过这只是我们长远目标的开始,这次的单车募款之旅是想先让大家对莲心基金会有所了解。WellnessXperts 想要和慈善机构合作,因为莲心基金会注重社区中的个人,这与 WellnessXperts 的观念相符,所以WellnessXperts 信任莲心基金会,非常愿意为莲心基金会募款。
加入 Chris 与 Candice 的单车募款之旅!