Art for LO and Kali of Calcutta by Ms. Emily Avery Yoshiko Crow
We are living in a time of unprecedented crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has made vivid the vulnerability of our global human ecosystem and shone light on the magnitude, pace, and severity of ecological, economic, and educational crises that humanity faces. It is with all this in mind that we introduce Art for LO, an initiative to bring the community surrounding Lotus Outreach together around inspiring works of art that respond to the question, Why Girls?, in the spirit of reform, change, social, and environmental action.
The first artist featured for our Art for LO series is a dear friend of Lotus Outreach, Ms. Emily Avery Yoshiko Crow. Emily offered her Kali of Calcutta painting to LO, recognizing the volatility present in our world is affecting the most vulnerable, especially girls. Kali is a powerful goddess traditionally worshipped throughout Nepal and India. Her message is connected with harnessing the potential of challenge, volatility, and destruction for the benefit of humanity. In many spiritual traditions she is a divine protector and object of prayer.
Photo by Sophie Perks
We are honored to make available Ms. Crow’s painting as a special edition Kali of Calcutta T-shirt and Kali of Calcutta Art Print through the LO Store. We are deeply grateful for her generosity in dedicating the proceeds of these items to the girls who are LO beneficiaries.
At Lotus Outreach we believe that empowering young women and girls transforms societies. Why Girls? Because it protects them from vulnerability and exploitation. Because women and girls are change-makers. Because the education of girls is one of the most powerful climate change solutions. Because the empowerment of girls creates social and economic well being in communities. Today, our work transforming social realities for the most vulnerable has never felt more important.
To participate as an artist, ambassador, or volunteer in the Art for LO event contact Paloma Fataar, our Art for LO Coordinator, at
Ms. Emily Avery Yoshiko Crow is an artist who works with watercolor, natural sculpture, and textiles, as well as animation and film production design. She was raised in Colorado and Nova Scotia and was influenced at a young age to recognize the power of beauty. See more of her work @yoshiko.crow.