Guru Krupa Foundation and Lotus Outreach
In the midst of all of our activities at Lotus Outreach, (now serving women and girls and communities around the world!), we feel it is of utmost importance that we recognize the people, our donors, and the foundations, our partners, who make our work and impact not only possible, but flourish. Guru Krupa Foundation is one of those partners, who have been supporting Lotus Outreach for more than 10 years.

Guru Krupa Foundation, based in New York, follows a holistic approach to charitable giving, focusing on Social Welfare, Higher Education, Spirituality, Culture & Arts and the Environment. Their sustained dedication to the Blossom Bus program in Haryana, India has been integral to the more than 1600 female students we have served with access to education since 2010.

More than that, they have for many years covered the entire program budget for Buddha Smiles, now serving more than 550 students from marginalized families in Tamil Nadu annually with holistic after-school education that ensures their wellbeing and progress through school. Buddha Smiles has since 2002 served more than 6,300 students!

We asked Guru Krupa Foundation’s founder, Mukund Padmanabhan, to share with us about his aspiration for this work. Read his eloquent response below:
“An underlying theme of several of GKF’s projects is education.
For children and youth in straitened circumstances,
education breaks down barriers, reduces gender inequality,
and provides the means to breaking out of the cycle of
poverty, enabling children and youth to realize their full potential.
Lotus Outreach aligns perfectly with this vision.
In particular their Buddha Smiles program addresses the education
of primary school children and their Blossom bus program
addresses gender inequality by providing girls with equal opportunity
in education. We have been funding these programs for many years,
and are happy to see the funding in action, enabling a generation of empowered children
who are able to craft their own life stories, while uplifting their families and communities. ”
Mukund Padmanabhan, Guru Krupa Foundation Founder
We are deeply grateful for partners, such as Guru Krupa Foundation, who’s vision and mission aligns with our own. We believe that supporting at-risk children and youth with access to education, empowers them to reach their full potential, break the cycle of poverty in their families, and spur change that ripples though generations. If you are a potential donor or foundation partner who shares this aspiration for more equity and empowered children who, as Mukund beautifully puts it, “are able to craft their own life stories,” we full-heartedly invite you to join us.
If you would like to learn more about Blossom Bus, Buddha Smiles, or other Lotus Outreach programs, try here. Thank you for assisting us in nurturing transformation and empowerment in the lives of people in need. It is a privilege.