Empowering through Care

We operate in places where corruption, weak governance, high levels of poverty and gender inequality lead to exploitation and suffering of all kinds. In these places, supporting the basic needs of beneficiaries is essential. Care initiatives work together with education and training efforts to help ensure a sustainable vision of empowerment.

Our care projects include ant-trafficking, health and water service projects that support wellbeing and have demonstrable outcomes in education and learning. 60% of rural communities don’t have access to clean drinking water. Over the last 10 years we have provided clean drinking water to 10,000 villagers. If children aren’t carrying water long distances, they can go to school. These initiatives ensure the wellbeing of beneficiaries in some of the most neglected communities in our world today.


Help provide health care services to women and children.

Getting Well

Help construct water wells that serve entire villages in the drought-prone regions of rural Cambodia.


Help provide supportive services for mothers and daughters to heal and rebuild after domestic violence in a low income Chicago neighborhood.

Water In Schools (WINS)

Help install water filtration systems in schools to provide clean drinking water and improved wellbeing to children in rural Cambodia.

First Steps

Help provide crucial healthcare and resources to people living in a very remote region of Guatemala.

Rice 4 Education (R4E)

Help provide rice support to villagers to help them support their girl childrens’ education in rural Cambodia.

Garden of Peace

Help provide morning porridge and a hearty lunch of rice, dal and vegetables to school children at a holistic school in Tamil Nadu.


Help provide trauma therapy and assistance to survivors of trafficking and sexual and domestic violence in a women's shelter in rural Cambodia.


An initiative to meet the urgent needs of vulnerable communities served by LO projects around the world.

Field Stories

The mothers, children and communities that we’ve met inspire our ideas and, often times, solutions. Every one of them has a story worth sharing.