We have established LotusRelief, an initiative to meet the urgent needs of the vulnerable communities we serve during crisis.
At present the communities we serve are affected by the coronavirus pandemic, we need your support for our emergency LotusRelief fund!
During a crisis it is always the poor and most vulnerable people that suffer the most. We are positioned to respond to the devastating consequences of COVID-19 as a result of our long-term local networks and dedicated beneficiaries.
LotusRelief is a direct outcome of our engaged community-based approach to sustainable change. Our work is shaped at the local level in collaboration with long-term networks and in conversation with the urgent needs of community members.
Our goal is to raise relief funds to be distributed between community programs in India and Cambodia. Mainly India is much harder hit than Cambodia right now – in terms of intense government lockdown – so the budget there is significantly more to help mitigate the costs to people’s lives.
LotusRelief #GivingTuesdayNow (see news item for more info about the campaign):
In May our global community came together around #GivingTuesdayNow to acknowledge our connectedness and stand together as part of a worldwide emergency response to the consequences of COVID-19. Since then we have been doing everything we can to meet the needs of our beneficiaries. We could do so only with thanks to the incredible support of our community and the dedication of our team and partners on the ground.
Since the campaign we have applied $21,413 in relief funds across multiple programs including, EQU+, Kapadia Scholars, Garden of Peace, Buddha Smiles, ASHA, CATALYST, GATE, and Integrated Rural Development (IRD). We are simply astonished at the far reaching impacts of this single campaign. You can read more on the blog to learn about how your generosity made a difference.
Thank you for all of the support we have received. In addition to our long-term funders The Douglas A. Campbell Foundation and Buddhist Global Relief, we raised funds from 160 individual donors.
All donations towards the LotusRelief Fund are unrestricted and so will be used at the discretion of Lotus Outreach International.